Sunday, November 30, 2014

Chicken Corn Tortilla Soup


1 onion - chopped
1 whole garlic - minced
Chile powder, to taste
Cumin, to taste
Salt & Pepper, to taste
2 lbs chicken - cubed or whole to shred when cooked
1 can diced tomatoes with diced green chiles
1 can diced green chiles
2 lbs frozen corn
1 can black beans 
1 can refried beans
4 cups chicken broth
(Additional water for broth as needed with chicken bouillon)
Cilantro - chopped
Lemon - topping
Shredded cheese - topping
Tortilla strips - topping

Heat some oil and add onions & garlic on medium heat until softened. 

While that is softening up, season the chicken thoroughly with salt & pepper, chile powder, cumin...I season heavily.

When onion and garlic is fragrant and softened, add seasoned chicken and cook the not cool through, just no pink on the outsides.

Add diced tomatoes, diced green chiles, sautée for a few minutes, then add chicken broth.

Start adding the corn and beans and put on high heat. Store frequently.

When it looks close to boiling, add 3/4ths of the cilantro, save the rest for topping. Let boil 5 minutes and turn heat off.

Top each serving with lemon, shredded cheese & tortilla strips. My boyfriend also likes to add hot sauce. 


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